Friday, September 30, 2011

Hello Interweb..I've decided to turn my old lit class blog into a Keeping Up With Kendra blog

Hello InterWeb....

So i've decided to start blogging :) This used to be my old Literature Class Blog from Freshman year so if you something about Romeo and Juliet...which you probably will..thats why!

Anyways today was a great day! I got to meet JK Simmons from the Closer and Law&Order. What a complete sweetheart...I love meeting&hearing encouraging message from people who are so established in the industry. Its really exciting!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Last Blog!

I've enjoyed this class...and have learn new perspectives and ways to view literature.
I have enjoyed many of the class discussions, and enjoyed getting to know classmates, through class as well as through their blogs.
I will miss this class but like some of the other classmates have said I'm so ready for SUMMER!!!
I realized I never got around to posting the definition of Female Archetype on my blog.
So here it is :)
An Archetype is a model of behaviour or pattern of energy that is easily recognisable and resonant to human beings. We can identify with and relate to archetypes as they are primary characters or personalities of the human condition.

Archetypes are everywhere. They are played out in fairy tales, movies, books, TV shows, in our families, our work environments and amongst our friends.

Snow white (Princess) is an archetype, Homer Simpson (Fool) is an archetype... so is Mother, Father, Son and Daughter. We instantly recognise what these roles are and how they are supposed to behave .
Thought I'd Post the Notes from Class that I helped me on the test...I never got around to posting these.......
#1) Who is Arnold Friend?
a]The Devil
b]The Demon Lover
c]The imagination
d] all of the above (AND ALL THAT!) <----

#2) Grimm vs. Perrault
-Grimm's version is more 'grim' and 'grotesque', and ends in a happily ever after.
-Perrault's version is safely written, and ends in a MORAL

#3) Know the definition of grotesque, or the idea of it...

#4) What is the difference between the edning of "Smooth Tallk" and "Where are you going? Where have you been?"
-Smooth Talk ends with Connie coming back, where as in the story, the reader is left to interperet what actually happened to her.

#5) What's the difference between the woman in The Demon Lover and Connie?
-The woman is a wife and a mother, and Connie is not. The woman, technically, had more to lose.

#6) Archetype?
-An image or pattern that is repeated in literature and fantasy.

#7) Who did Joyce Carrol Oates SAY she dedicated her story to?
-Bob Dylan, for his song "Its All Over Now Baby Blue".

#8) Why did Lot's wife get turned into a pillar of salt?
-she looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gamorrah, when she was told not to.

#9) Tell the truth, but tell it at a slant. Who said it?
-Emily Dickenson

#10) "Because I could not stop for Death. . . " ?
-"... he kindly stopped for me."

#11) Slanting rays of the setting sun. . .
-Alyoesha's memory of his mother.

#12) Karamozov Curse?
I realized I never posted the Found Poem I reworked that was on the door:
Lights Lights,
Turn off,
Garbage Garbage,
Pick up,
Desks Desk,
Put Back,
Leave Leave,
The arguement Between Men and Women! What a pointless disagreement to have...its an never ending war of words. The other doesn't know what it's like to walk in the others shoes, and they never seem to stop with the constant battle of words.

My friend is getting married in July, and I am going to the wedding to support her, but what I don't support is there marriage. Besides the fact of being right out of college they are in constant bicker about who does what. She will get on him that he doesn't know what its like to go to class, clean the house and attempt to cook dinner. And he tells her that she doesn't know what its like to be a student, attempt to work a part-time job and play massive amounts of Halo.

When we were discussing this in class, this couple came to mind. Neither side is going to win, they just need to give up and except the other for the bum he really is.

Its a Constant Repeat.

I liked the South Park clip, the presenter picked to present on Monday. This just proved that every story is a retelling of another. Almost I thought it was cool to tie some modern day pop culture into a retelling of a greek story. I thought it was gross that Carman cut up that kids parents and made him eat them in chili! I watch Family Guy all the time, and watching now after taking this class, I've noticed that alot of plots are stolen from stories of the past.

Even the movie the Notebook is a retelling, of the Psyche and Eros story. The whole idea of wanting each other, but not being able to have each other. Psyche couldn't look at Eros, and than she did and lost him and regained him . The Notebook has the similar plot where they wanted to be together, and than they lost love and regained in the end.