Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The arguement Between Men and Women! What a pointless disagreement to have...its an never ending war of words. The other doesn't know what it's like to walk in the others shoes, and they never seem to stop with the constant battle of words.

My friend is getting married in July, and I am going to the wedding to support her, but what I don't support is there marriage. Besides the fact of being right out of college they are in constant bicker about who does what. She will get on him that he doesn't know what its like to go to class, clean the house and attempt to cook dinner. And he tells her that she doesn't know what its like to be a student, attempt to work a part-time job and play massive amounts of Halo.

When we were discussing this in class, this couple came to mind. Neither side is going to win, they just need to give up and except the other for the bum he really is.

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