Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Its a Constant Repeat.

I liked the South Park clip, the presenter picked to present on Monday. This just proved that every story is a retelling of another. Almost I thought it was cool to tie some modern day pop culture into a retelling of a greek story. I thought it was gross that Carman cut up that kids parents and made him eat them in chili! I watch Family Guy all the time, and watching now after taking this class, I've noticed that alot of plots are stolen from stories of the past.

Even the movie the Notebook is a retelling, of the Psyche and Eros story. The whole idea of wanting each other, but not being able to have each other. Psyche couldn't look at Eros, and than she did and lost him and regained him . The Notebook has the similar plot where they wanted to be together, and than they lost love and regained in the end.

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