Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Connie What Are You Doing? And What Were You Thinking?

I was really looking forward to reading Where Are You Going... Story because of all the build up Professor Sexson gave it in class, but that I was disappointed by who the Connie character turned out to be. When the story first started I'm sure all of us could relate to who the character was. The boy crazed girl who rebelled againist her mother, we all knew her in highschool or some of us probably were her.
Was she that eager to meet boys that she would open up the screen door to a total stranger with out heisitation? Why did she just stand in that doorway? She should have gotten the phone near her from the begining. I know the Arnold Friend, told her that if she got on the phone he was going to come in there! Well thats what dead bolt locks are for.
I don't understand why she just stood there waiting in the door way like a sitting duck. Sitting there in every teen girls nightmare situation, she should've tried to make a run for it. Actually running probably was a bad idea,Arnold Friend told her that he had killed her neighbor, so maybe the running wasn't the best choice, but calling the police would have been her ticket out of this situation.
I read another classmates post on this book, and she said," that she wanted to reach into the book and shake the character Connie for not making better decisions on reacting to Arnold Freind being a creeper" I felt the same way. You would think her mom would have taught her daughter better about talking to strange men.

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