Sunday, January 31, 2010

Smooth Talk with not so much a Smooth Plot

Movie directors, producers and everyone else associated with movie making out in Hollywood, doesn't seem to think that we as the viewer are able to look outside the picture and use our imagination. Most good books that make it to the big screen don't compare to their book counterparts. Where Are You Going was no exception to the rule! Directors and movie writers leave out one key ingredient in their big screen telling, and that's invoking the audiences’ imagination.

Smooth Talk cornered Connie& the viewers into limited options with the ending fanning out the way it did. Just like the professor said in class " The movie really restricted the number of options you could have for Connie." In the book Oates made the readers question just what had happened to Connie. Was she murdered? Would she see her family again? And what happened to Arnold? In Smooth Talk, one minute Connie is getting the car with Arnold and in the next she's in her room dancing with her sister. I was happy that Connie wasn't murdered, but at the same time I don't like having every part told to me. The ending to this was almost something you'd see in a Disney movie one minute everything is completely horrible for the character, and the next its all happily ever after.

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