Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There seems to be Traces of Mr. Friend in Every Story

Arnold Friend seems to appear amongst some of our favorite characters in more stories than we seem to realize. He is the Demon Lover in the poem Demon Lover, who comes to seduce the woman whom is happily married with children to his life at sea. Arnold even makes a cameo in the childhood classic Little Red Riding Hood. The character of Mr. Friend wasn't a personality that was thought up over night, his character dates back to days of ancient Greece, with his role as Hades in the story of Demeter and Persephone.
Before reading the two poems assigned for over the weekend, I figured that the story would have a correlation with the concepts from short story “Where are you Going!” In the Emily Dickinson poem, the lead voice was put in the same shoes that Connie had worn in “Where are you Going,” and this time Arnold was Death. The suitor who came to take her, away from what she knew, and down to his underworld. In Just shared a completely different common concept with “Where Are You Going”. Arnold Friend appears in this story as the older man who sells balloons, and takes innocence away from the children he encounters. Just like in the story with Connie, Arnold wanted Connie to climb into his jalopy and say goodbye to her childhood days. The balloon man wanted the same as well.

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