Sunday, February 7, 2010

Memory Out From the Vault

All my first memories that come to mind are of my mom, and me because my mom pretty much raised me while my dad went back to medical school to get another degree. My mom and I are extremely close because of these early years of bonding. She was always there pushing me on the swing set or saving me from the neighborhood dog that ran up and licked up my face. When I think back to my early childhood, my favorite memory with her would have to be making rain deer cookies with her for Christmas.

My mom placed the bowl in front of me and started putting in ingredients; my job was to stir it all nice. So one ingredient was placed into the bowl after another. Vanilla, Flour, and everything else you make your batch of cookies with. Before I knew it was now time for me to stir, I was very eager to help mom cook, I grabbed the bowl, and some on the mixture slopped over the side. I looked up at my mom who smiled and nodded for me to keep on trying. I started stirring and than some more spilled over the side, and this time it was a fair amount of the ingredients too, I looked to my mom and she still had that smile on. Than after all the adventure with the spoon and stirring, it was than time to lay out the dough on to the cookie sheet. I reached in to the bowl with my wide eyes and as I tried to pour the dough out of the bowl, some more of the mixture slopped over the side.
Next it was time to frost the cookies, and believe me this time my mom had a pile of paper towels right next to me.

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