Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Look or Not to Look...thats is the question

Time to play catch up....I've been slacking with my blogs but that doesn't mean I'm not doing the readings!:) so last wedensdays class, professor talked about how we as humans struggle with the concept of doing what we are told not to. I loved the coloring the cat comment by the way, very funny.
Looking is part of our human nature, like last thursday was my birthday and my boyfriend had my present in his room and he told me not to look but you know me i couldnt help but to steal a glance at my new necklace. :)
Generations can come and go but i think we as humans will always have that urge to look when we are told not to.

Just like Psyche couldn't stand not being able to see her lovers face, and looked. The world of the unknown is defeated by our own curosity. Maybe it would be better for us if we didn't look, bet Lots Wife would have been one of those who'd wish she wouldnt have looked.

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