Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another concept that i really enjoyed listening to was the ignoring authority figures. When Icarus ignored his father's instruction of flying with his wax wings about the sun. He told him he could fly low, but not get to close to the sun for his wings would melt. So what did his son do, didn't honor his fathers wishes, and flew directly towards the sun, and than hes wings began to melt. Icarus ended up losing his wings and crashing into the earth. If he would have only listened to the wiser character.

Lots wife whom was warned by angels to leave Solmon and take refunge far away. Her family was leaving, the town and she was told not to look back at the town. And she turned and looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

We all have done things that disobeyed an authority, I know I've done things my mom said not to, i think that's part of growing up. My parents were really strict on me about boys driving me school. And there was this one boy a grade older than me that my parents just hated, and he offered one day to start driving me to school. Obviously riding to school with an upper class men was way better than the bus! So I agreed to ride with him, but the thing was I had to pull a fast one, on mom. So I told her I was going to the bus stop and rushed out of the house, I had told this boy to park a little ways away from my house. But sure enough my mom had a suspicion about me, and was watching the whole thing through the blinds of the kitchen window. When I got home that day I got to hear all about it. She was wise because that boy did end up totally in his car, soon after. He wasn't hurt but he wasn't the safest driver to be riding with either.

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