Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another one of my favorite concepts that we discussed in class was Movies verus Books. In the movie Smooth Talk that was based on Where are you Going Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates, the plot of the movie completely took away any imagination the viewer might be left with to what happens to Connie. The movie added extra drama to parts, that didn't need it, and also showed Connie coming back from Arnold Friend's visit, which in the book left you with much suspense. I didn't like how the movie changed so much around which isn't uncommon you see it all the time with big movies like Twlight, and Harry Potter just to name a few.
With the Harry Potter Movies series compared to the books it was one big let down. Reading invokes the imagination, something movies and television doesn't trigger, or allow you to do so.

Books are always better than movies, some might argue that, and i say, that I would have been one of those people prior coming into this class. With taking this class,I learned that reading is a great way to gain experiences. Like the professor said, he has a friend who travels all over the world,Professor reads books about books about the places his friend has gone, and feels that he has the better experience than his friend has.

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