Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wheres the Originality GONE?

Every story is a retelling of another story, I never really paid attention before this class. I was bummed out to learn that Disney’s The Lion King was not an original masterpiece like all the hype said when the movie first came out. The Lion King is just another retelling of Hamlet. The death of the King, and a take over of another family member. In both instances Hamlet,and Simba both don’t like the family member whom now reins the crown and have it in for the king.

Staying with the Disney topic, majority of the Disney stories are all the same princess in distress looking for a charming prince to save me, and live happily ever after. I can think a few that aren't that way like the Jungle Book, where the plot is the little boy running around lost in the jungle with the loin cloth, and alice in wonderland.

Characters aren’t original anymore either. Dmirti and Don Quiantro are similar characters in the literature world. Both Dmirti and Don Quiantro are keep charging off, and are also on missions/ quests. Dmirti is trying to kill his father, and Don Quiante is another world of mental state, and before you know it hes battling wind mills, in an attempt to rescue his love interest.

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