Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Psyche And Eros

Like I said from the start, I was slacking on writing the blogs! So way back when, like Feb. we had a discussion about Psyche and Eros,and it ranks right up there with one of my favorite stories we discusses all class.
Venus is jealous of psyche's beauty which is just like the evil queen in snow white, or Ursula from little mermaid.
Venus sends her son Eros, to shoot an arrow at her but Eros sees her and falls in love with her instead. Venus is outraged when she finds out. Eros than comes and stays with her every night, and Psyche becomes so curious to her lover is, she decides to go against Eros wishes, and look at him. He than flies away, Psyche is devasted by this. She was also carrying his child at the time. She then goes and talks to Venus who makes her do three crazy things ( because three is the magical number in stories). The last thing is go down to Perphone and get some of her beauty cream, and bring it to her but she is told not to open the box! Of coarse she opens the box, and gets put in a deep sleep. Eros flies down and wakes her. And Psyche and Eros live happily ever after! What a beautiful story! One of my favorites!

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