Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life is One Big Sorrow

Like I said in my previous Blog, I'm playing caught up here, and I know we had a discussion that caught my interest in class about how life is nothing but one big sorrow after another. I beg to differ, I think life is full of joy. I think those who think its a Sorrow, are viewing it in a negative light. My mom had three strokes and was hospitalize for 8 weeks in intensive care unit, but than had miraclecous recovery. I do agree there is a lot of sorrow in the world. But with every great sorrow there is a great joy to follow. With my mom as an example, yes she was very sick, but than she recovered from her strokes which was a great joy.

I just think people are to fast to notice all the negative things, than to look around and see all the positive things happening around you as well. Even the media, seems to focus in on the negative stories, instead of positive events happening.

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